Yesterday was one of hose whirlwind days!
It was Eric's Birthday:
general surgery (biopsy) day for our 12 year old son, Landon) and game (volleyball) day for our daughter's Hannah (19) and Ella (11).
The morning started off peaceful and on track, we were a little ahead of schedule, but as we pulled out of the driveway we heard an awful grinding sound. We pulled back into the driveway and got out to look and see the matter. Our tire was flat as could be.

I quickly called my parents and our hero, my Daddy came to the rescue. He got us to the surgery center on time (even waited the whole time for us to be finished). Landon did pretty well. He is not the handler of pain that his little sister, Ella is, but he did reasonably well.

We sing praises to the King!!

We sing praises to the King!!