Hey Y'all!~! It's been like FOREVER since I've been on my blog!
How are you?!?! How have you been?!?! Wow! This feels different, but much like not riding a bicycle for awhile...you just don't forget how to!
I'll share a lil' about what's going on in my life. The big thing at the moment is that my oldest daughter, Hannah, left Tuesday for her 3rd trip (in just 14 months) to Guatemala. She definitely has given the people of Guatemala a piece of her heart and God keeps providing a way for her to be there.
She'll be there for 2 weeks and we are missing her already!
This lil' guy had a rough time with her leaving, but seems to be doing better.

Well, you all have a fabulous evening!
I pop back on tomorrow with a Hello!
Blessings - Lori
This lil' guy had a rough time with her leaving, but seems to be doing better.

Well, you all have a fabulous evening!
I pop back on tomorrow with a Hello!
Blessings - Lori