OK, so if you know me...Really know me then you know what my top loves are:
1. The King of my Life, Jesus Christ
2. My Whole family - My wonderful husband, my kids, my Mommy and Daddy, Sisters and Brother, Nieces and Nephews...Everyone
3. Art- Stamps, coloring, drawing, painting & papercrafting
4. Children's Books and Illustrations- I collect them!! Yes, I buy books for the illustrations!! One of my dreams is to write and illustrate my own children's book one day.
5. Elvis Presley - I have In the Ghetto as my ringtone. So, if you ever call and I don't answer, it's because I am listening to the Ghetto!!
6. Lucille Ball - Yes... I Love LUCY!!
Well, I am so excited about my latest find in the arty blog world. She is 2 of my favorite things rolled into one!! I am over-the- moon about the sweet lady and her drawings. I could honestly look at them all day long!!! Her drawings are so my kind of art!!! Now with out further adieu, I am excited to introduce to you ...... Maurie J. Manning aka Mo!!

What could be better than FINDING something that contained 2 of my loves?
Getting to color her designs....And so I did!!! And here are my cards:

Isn't she adorable!??!?!
Click below to see more of Mo's Designs

Yipppeee!! I am so happy I found this blog/store/artist and her designs!!!