Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ella's Easter Egg Scramble

Hi Everyone!
Ready for another fun game at The Pink Elephant? Hope you are having tons of fun and have enjoyed all the tutorials so far.
There is still a whole day of fun coming your way on

The Pink Elephant!

Tutorial Schedule
Me (LORi BOYD) - 8 am
Ann Cutts - 12 pm
Angela - 4 pm
Me (LORi BOYD) - 8pm

Today, we are also playing a word scramble game.
You were to hop around to each blog and get a scrambled word(s) that relates to
Easter or Spring.

My words are:

ylejl sabne

Now that you have gotten my scrambled word, write it down and unscramble the letters.
After you have hopped through everyone's blog and picked up their scrambled words, email all 8 unscrambled words to with the subject line
"Ella's Easter Egg Scramble" by Sunday at midnight EST.
The subject line is VERY important so we are able to easily find your entry! If you didn't get here from
Trudi's Blog then you might want to hop to TPE to start at the beginning!!
All correct answers will be eligible for a random drawing for some fabulous prizes!
Thanks for all your participation and hope you all have had bunches of fun so far!!

Be sure to hop to or scroll down to My Blog Candy for a chance to win here at
By LORi Designs!!


Lyneen said...

Thanks I love blog hops!!

Anne said...

oh another day of fun, thanks Lori:)
Anne x

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori, haven't said hello for awhile. My dad has been in the hospital, home now, but I have to stay most of the time with him. I have found a wee bit of time to squeeze in hopping with you all. Wish I could have joined all the fun. The Pink Elephant is doing great. Congratulations on your venture.

~*Joni said...

Thank you Lori!! :D