I am posting a quickie...
1. Because it's been way too long
2. I need to before everyone stops coming to my blog
3. I want to say Hi to you all and let you know how life at the Boyd Homestead has been lately
Well, first of all I was in the bed for 4 1/2 LONG days sicker than I have been in quite some time.
As soon as I got back on my feet, It was Thanksgiving and time to travel a little over 2 hours to visit with Eric's family. We had a GREAT time. It was so nice to see everyone. Eric has an awesome family. All 5 kids behaved very well! I was super proud of them. Going anywhere with 5 little ones will wear you out, so by that evening I wasn't feeling so great again! :(
Below is a picture of the kids and their VERY loved Aunt Sue (Eric's sister) and CRAZY for Uncle Charlie a.k.a Papaw Charlie, Landon has called him this since he was little. It stuck!! We love you guys!!
Friday, Worked on Christmas orders for By LORI Designs!! Getting sick and then Thanksgiving has really slowed me down. I praise God for these orders, although I have to say I AM EXHAUSTED!! I am ready to get these out and forget about them.
To get back to normal life!! :)
Oh yeah, remember I also Homeschool Hannah, Landon and Ella!!
Saturday, the kids and I (yes, I braved this day on my own, Eric had to work) went to my sister and her husband's home in Glasgow, Ky for the Tompkins Thanksgiving! I spent the whole day with my family... pure Heaven! We had a blast singing karaoke, doing Crafts and eating lots of fab-u-lo-so food!! Yum Yum!!
Oh BTW, I made my first pie (well actually apple strudel thingy, but it was on a pie crust in a pie dish) and it was a HIT! Yippee! Oh we have a new tradition my sister MaryJane made up...Pajama Thanksgiving!! Yep, we all wore our PJs it was fun, comfortable and unique just like us!! :) We were so busy having fun, I forgot to take pictures! We didn't get home until 12 pm!
Sunday, I worked on Christmas Orders for By LORI Designs. Later, I met my friends Jenn and Bekki at Cracker Barrel for an hour and a half catch up session and dinner. We have all been so busy. We haven't seen one another in what feels like FOREVER!!
Then, later back to painting orders!
Monday, I worked on Christmas orders!!! And schooled the kids!!
Tuesday, Christmas orders, then went to Hannah's Volleyball game!! They WON!! Yippee!!
Now today, CHRISTMAS ORDERS and Homeschool!! Now you can all see why I don't have time to blog lately!! I love and miss you all!! I will be back as soon as all my Christmas orders are OUT for delivery!!
Lord, Please continue to help me get it ALL done! And please let my customers be patient and gracious!! :)