since I posted! It's been one of those weeks or I should say several weeks!
Whew! Between things needed for my 6 kiddos, everyday stuff, church stuff and getting ready for our upcoming homeschool year...I am wiped out, but gotta keep going, so I will!
I guess God knew I needed to chill from being online, so he did something with my internet service for about 4 days. I panicked at first, but after the first day settled into being off line pretty well. It's now time to play catch up. Crafting has taken the back seat this summer, but I hope to have more time once things calm down (uhh-hmmm IF things calm down)!!
Okay, so today I have 3 things for you...
This image...Together Today is part of Tammy's new release, "Together"
You can find the other new images and the fab cards designed by the other ADFD Designers
I tell ya, I am soooo enjoying using Jen's fabulous sketch for my scrap pages!
Here is the sketch:
And you can find the other creations
This week at
Challenge #23's theme is
The Great Outdoors
Since I have been swamped I decided to re-showcase 2 oldies but goodies:
You can find the challenge and all the other SC Girls' fantastic cards
Thank You all for stopping by and reading my posts!
I hope your week is fabulous!
Love & Hugs - LORI BOYD